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The Debugger Shortcuts

The table below lists all keyboard shortcuts that are available in the blueMSX debugger window.

   Shortcut Description
     PageUp Goes to next page of the code in the disassembler.
     PageDown Goes to previous page of the code in the disassembler.
     Home Goes back to the current command of the code in the disassembler.
     F5 Starts or continues the emulation.
     F8 Enables / disables the showing of the symbol information about external labels
(used by the asMSX and tniASM cross-assemblers).
     F9 Sets or removes a breakpoint on the address selected by the cursor of the mouse.
     F10 Goes to next step of the code in the disassembler and executes subroutines at full speed (step over mode).
     F11 Goes to next step of the code in the disassembler.
     Ctrl+B Adds a new breakpoint on a specified address or label.
     Ctrl+F Searches for a specified string or value.
     Ctrl+G Goes to a specified address or label.
     Ctrl+M Enables / disables the showing of assembly flags in addition to the other flags
     Ctrl+V Enables / disables automatic control of the VDP timing (useful for MSX1 machines)
     Shift+F5 Stops the emulation and the current debugging.
     Shift+F9    Enables or disables breakpoint on the address selected by the cursor of the mouse.
     Shift+F10 Continues the emulation to the address selected by the cursor of the mouse.
     Shift+F11 Quits the step over mode and continues the emulation.
    Crtl+Shift+F5 Hard resets the emulator and stops the current debugging.
    Crtl+Shift+F9 Removes all the breakpoints
    Crtl+Alt+Break Stops the emulation and displays infos in the debugger.

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