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Digitize and superimpose

Digitization is an extra feature of some MSX2 computers; at the moment, blueMSX supports the Philips NMS-8280 that can digitize in screen 8 and has also superimposing capabilities.

If you want to digitize also in the screens 10, 11 or 12, you need to use the Sony HBI-V1 digitizer on MSX2+ or MSXturboR machines; this device can also digitize in screen 8 on MSX2 (and higher) machines and is supported by blueMSX.


To run the Philips NMS-8280 in blueMSX, you need the complete config files with all the specific roms. Check the Resource page of the blueMSX website and unzip the config files in the Machines subdirectory of the emulator.

What concerns the HBI-V1 rom, you can find it on the Net with an utility disk.

You need also to use a PC with a grabber card and to connect a video source to this PC. The emulator can fetch the first video capture device found in your system or you can select it manually in the Options / Video In Source menu.

It's often possible to configure for example a TV-card before starting blueMSX.
Sometimes you can even configure the capture device in runtime, at least if you start the configuration program after blueMSX.
Note that no video will be seen in the application used for configuring.

Philips NMS-8280

This computer has an additionnal MSX-BASIC command : SET VIDEO.

Syntax : SET VIDEO mode, intensity, effect, synchro, audio, video, a/v

mode   picture source   0 = computer normal mode
1 = computer digitize mode
2 = superimpose
3 = only video
intensity   color intensity   0 = clearer
1 = darker
effect   color effect   0 = no effect
1 = effect
  Example : SET VIDEO 2,0,1: COLOR 15, 4
the video screen will only be with blank and blue colors
synchro   synchronisation   0 = intern
1 = extern
audio   audio source   0 = computer
1 = mix computer + extern only on right side
2 = mix computer + extern only on left side
3 = mix computer + extern on both sides
video   video input   0 = RGB-SCART
1 = other connection
a/v   audio/video output   0 = other output than RGB-SCART

To switch in the SUPERIMPOSE mode, you need to use SET VIDEO 2 : COLOR ,0,0

To go back to the normal mode, you can use for example SET VIDEO 0 : COLOR ,4,4

You can also make a VIDEO MIX (50 % computer picture + 50 % extern picture) by using COLOR ,0,0 : SET VIDEO 1: OUT &HF6,&B11011111

To de-activate the VIDEO MIX mode, you need to use OUT &HF6,&B11111111

Here's a short program to DIGITIZE :

130 SCREEN 8
140 COLOR,,255:' prepares the screen for digitizing
150 SET VIDEO 1: 'enables the synchronisatie for digitizing
160 COPY SCREEN: ' beginning of digitizing
170 TIME = 0
180 IF INKEY$ = "" GOTO 160
190 IF TIME < 4 GOTO 190
200 IF INKEY$ = "" GOTO 200 ELSE 140
210 SET VIDEO 0,0: ' end of digitize mode
220 END

Sony HBI-V1

This cartridge comes with a built-in software, 64 Kb VRAM and adds different commands to the MSX-BASIC :

CALL AD (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) for auto digitizing

A = blocksize X
0: 1/1 - 1: 1/2 - 2: 1/3 - 3: 1/4 - 4: 3/4 - 5: 2/2 - 6: 2/3 - 7: 2/4

B = blocksize Y
0: 1/1 - 1: 1/2 - 2: 1/3 - 3: 1/4 - 4: 3/4 - 5: 2/2 - 6: 2/3 - 7: 2/4

C = startblock X

D = startblock Y

E = wait parameter (in frames, 60 per second, in Europe 50)
0 ~ 255 0 = nowait

F = autocopy
0,1 (1 = autocopy)

G = scanlines
0 = auto, 1= even, 2 = odd

CALL DCLS to clear the cartridge VRAM

CALL DCOPY (A,B)-(C,D) TO (E,F) to copy from the cartridge VRAM to the computer VRAM

0 <= A <=255
0 <= B <=211

A <= C <= 255
B <= D <= 211

0 <= E <=255
0 <= F <=211

CALL DFONT(X,Y,Z$) to write a text on the screen

CALL DG to start the built-in digitizing software

CALL MD (A,B,C,D,E) for manual digitizing

A = blocksize X
0: 1/1 - 1: 1/2 - 2: 1/3 - 3: 1/4 - 4: 3/4 - 5: 2/2 - 6: 2/3 - 7: 2/4

B = blocksize Y
0: 1/1 - 1: 1/2 - 2: 1/3 - 3: 1/4 - 4: 3/4 - 5: 2/2 - 6: 2/3 - 7: 2/4

C = startblock X

D = startblock Y

E = scanlines
0 = auto, 1= even, 2 = odd

CALL TOBAS to reboot the system

for YJK color adjusting with RGB values

-7 < B< 7
-7 < R< 7
-7 < B< 7

See this page :

See also the German version of the user's manual :

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