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The following actions can be set on button controls. The menu actions require the coordinates where the menu is shown as arguments.

   Action Description
     audio-decreasevolume Decrease volume
     audio-increasevolume Increase volume
     audio-setmute Sets mute mode
     audio-setrecord Sets audio recording mode
     audio-setstereo Sets stereo mode
     audio-togglemuteio Toggle mute for the input/output volume
     audio-togglemutekeyboard Toggle mute for the keyboard volume
     audio-togglemutemaster Toggle mute for the master volume
     audio-togglemutemidi Toggle mute for the midi volume
     audio-togglemutemoonsound Toggle mute for the moonsound volume
     audio-togglemutemsxaudio Toggle mute for the msx-audio volume
     audio-togglemutemsxmusic Toggle mute for the msx-music volume
     audio-togglemutepcm Toggle mute for the pcm volume
     audio-togglemutepsg Toggle mute for the psg volume
     audio-togglemutescc Toggle mute for the scc volume
     audio-togglemutesfg Toggle mute for the sfg volume
     audio-togglerecord Toggle audio recording
     audio-togglestereo Toggle stereo/mono
    cart1-insert Opens "insert cartridge 1" dialog
    cart1-remove Removes cartridge 1
    cart1-setautoreset Sets auto reset after cartridge insertion or removing
    cart1-toggleautoreset Toggles auto reset after cartridge insertion or removing
    cart2-insert Opens "insert cartridge 2" dialog
    cart2-remove Removes cartridge 2
     cas-insert Opens the "Insert cassette" dialog
     cas-remove Ejects the cassette
     cas-rewind Rewinds the cassette
     cas-save Saves the cassette
     cas-setautorewind Sets auto rewind after cassette insertion
     cas-setposition Opens the "Set Position" dialog
     cas-setreadonly Sets read only cassette mode
     cas-toggleautorewind Toggles auto rewind after cassette insertion
     cas-togglereadonly  Toggles read only cassette mode
     diska-insert Opens the "Insert disk A" dialog
     diska-insertdir Opens the "Insert dir as Disk A" dialog
     diska-quickchange Quick change disk A
     diska-remove Removes disk A
     diska-setautoreset Sets auto reset after disk insertion or ejection
     diska-toggleautoreset Toggles auto reset after disk insertion or ejection
     diskb-insert Opens the "Insert disk B" dialog
     diskb-insertdir  Opens the "Insert dir as Disk B" dialog
     diskb-remove Removes disk B
     dlg-about Launches the about dialog
     dlg-apearance Launches the appearance properties dialog
     dlg-audio Launches the audio properties dialog
     dlg-controls Launches the controls properties dialog
     dlg-emulation Launches the emulation properties dialog
     dlg-help Launches the help window
     dlg-keyboardeditor Launches the keyboard editor dialog
     dlg-language Launches the language dialog
     dlg-machineeditor Launches the machine editor dialog
     dlg-mixer Launches the mixer dialog
     dlg-performance Launches the performance properties dialog
     dlg-ports Launches the ports properties dialog
     dlg-settings Launches the settings properties dialog
     dlg-shortcuteditor Launches the shortcut editor dialog
     dlg-video Launches the video properties dialog
     emu-decreasespeed Decrease emulation speed
     emu-increasespeed Increase emulation speed
     emu-normalspeed Set normal emulation speed
     emu-quit Quits the emulator
     emu-releasemaxspeed Releases max emulation speed
     emu-resetclean Clean resets the emulator
     emu-resethard Hard resets the emulator
     emu-resetsoft Soft resets the emulator
     emu-setmaxspeed Sets max emulation speeed
     emu-stop Stops the emulation
     emu-togglecputrace Toggles CPU trace
     emu-togglemaxspeed Toggles maximum emulation speed
     emu-togglemousecapture Toggles mouse capture
     emu-togglepause Toggles play/pause
     level-io Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the input/output volume
     level-keyboard Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the keyboard volume
     level-master Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the master volume
     level-midi Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the midi volume
     level-moonsound Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the moonsound volume
     level-msxaudio Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the msx-audio volume
     level-msxmusic Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the msx-music volume
     level-pcm Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the pcm volume
     level-psg Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the psg volume
     level-scc Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the scc volume
     level-sfg Modifies the value of the bars in the mixer for the sfg volume
     menu-cart1 Launches the cart 1 menu
     menu-cart2 Launches the cart 2 menu
     menu-cassette Launches the cassette menu
     menu-controlsport1 Launches the controls port1 menu
     menu-controlsport2 Launches the controls port2 menu
     menu-diska Launches the disk A menu
     menu-diskb Launches the disk B menu
     menu-file Launches the file menu
     menu-harddisk Launches the hard disk menu
     menu-help Launches the help menu
     menu-options Launches the options menu
     menu-reset Launches the reset menu
     menu-run Launches the run menu
     menu-specialcart1 Launches the special menu for cart 1
     menu-specialcart2 Launches the special menu for cart 2
     menu-tools Launches the tools menu
     menu-windowsize Launches the window size menu
     mouse-capture Captures the MSX mouse in the emulator
     pan-io Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the input/output volume
     pan-keyboard Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the keyboard volume
     pan-midi Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the midi volume
     pan-moonsound Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the moonsoundvolume
     pan-msxaudio Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the msxaudio volume
     pan-msxmusic Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the msxmusic volume
     pan-pcm Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the pcm volume
     pan-psg Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the psg volume
     pan-scc Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the scc volume
     pan-sfg Modifies the value of the pan in the mixer for the sfg volume
     port1-setjoystick Connects a joystick to MSX port 1
     port1-setkeyset Connects a keyset to MSX port 1
     port1-setmouse Connects a mouse to MSX port 1
     port1-setnone Connects nothing to MSX port 1
     port1-setnumpad Connects the numpad to MSX port 1
     port2-setjoystick Connects a joystick to MSX port 2
     port2-setkeyset Connects a keyset to MSX port 2
     port2-setmouse Connects a mouse to MSX port 2
     port2-setnone Connects nothing to MSX port 2
     port2-setnumpad Connects the numpad to MSX port 2
     screenshot-large Takes a large screenshot
     screenshot-normal Takes a normal screenshot
     screenshot-small Takes a small screenshot
     slider-emuspeed Modifies the emulation speed
     slider-rensha Modifies the value of the ren-sha turbo
     sprite-setenable Allows display of the sprites
     state-load Opens the load state dialog
     state-quickload Quick loads last saved state
     state-quicksave Quick save current state
     state-save Opens the save state dialog
     switch-audioswitch Toggles the MSX-AUDIO cartridge switch
     switch-frontswitch Toggles the Panasonic front switch
     switch-pauseswitch Toggles the Pause switch
     switch-setaudio Sets the MSX-AUDIO cartridge switch
     switch-setfront Sets the Panasonic front switch
     switch-setpause Sets the Pause switch
     theme-close Closes a theme window
     theme-maximize Maximizes a theme window
     theme-minimize Minimizes a theme window
     theme-setpage Sets the visible page of the theme
     video-brightness Modifies the brightness aspect
     video-contrast Modifies the contrast aspect
     video-enable-mon1 Enables the monitor 1
     video-enable-mon2 Enables the monitor 2
     video-enable-mon3 Enables the monitor 3
     video-gamma Modifies the gamma aspect
     video-rfmodulation Modifies the RF modulation effect
     video-saturation Modifies the saturation aspect
     video-scanlines Modifies the scanlines effect
     window-fullscreen Sets window size to fullscreen
     window-normal Sets window size to normal
     window-setfullscreen Sets fullscreen mode
     window-small Sets window size to small
     window-togglefullscreen Toggles between fullscreen and windowed size

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