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The triggers change the leds, enable/disable buttons and let text fields know what text to print.

   Trigger Description
     emu-paused Triggered when emulation is paused
     emu-running Triggered when emulation is running
     emu-stopped Triggered when emulation is stopped
     enable-io Triggered when input/output audio is enabled
     enable-keyboard Triggered when keyboard audio is enabled
     enable-master Triggered when master audio is enabled
     enable-midi Triggered when midi audio is enabled
     enable-moonsound Triggered when moonsound audio is enabled
     enable-msxaudio Triggered when msx-audio audio is enabled
     enable-msxmusic Triggered when msx-music audio is enabled
     enable-pcm Triggered when pcm audio is enabled
     enable-psg Triggered when psg audio is enabled
     enable-scc Triggered when scc audio is enabled
     enable-sfg Triggered when sfg audio is enabled
     lang-kbd-mappedto Triggered when a PC key is selected for the mapping of a MSX key
     lang-kbd-selkey Triggered when a MSX key is selected for the mapping to a PC key
     led-audioswitch Triggered when audio switch is on
     led-caps Triggered when caps led is on
     led-cassette Triggered when cassette led is on
     led-diska Triggered when disk A led is on
     led-diskb Triggered when disk B led is on
     led-frontswitch Triggered when Panasonic front switch is on
     led-hd Triggered when hard disk led is on
     led-kana   Triggered when kana led is on
     led-pause Triggered when pause led is on
     led-pauseswitch Triggered when pause switch is on
     led-rensha Triggered when ren-sha turbo led is on
     led-turbor Triggered when Turbo-R R800 led is on
     level-io Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the input/output volume
     level-keyboard Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the keyboard volume
     level-master Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the master volume
     level-midi Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the midi volume
     level-moonsound Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the moonsound volume
     level-msxaudio Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the msx-audio volume
     level-msxmusic Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the msx-music volume
     level-pcm Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the pcm volume
     level-psg Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the psg volume
     level-scc Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the scc volume
     level-sfg Gives the current value of the bars in the mixer for the sfg volume
     pan-io Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the input/poutput volume
     pan-keyboard Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the keyboard volume
     pan-midi Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the midi volume
     pan-moonsound Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the moonsound volume
     pan-msxaudio Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the msx-audio volume
     pan-msxmusic Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the msx-music volume
     pan-pcm Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the pcm volume
     pan-psg Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the psg volume
     pan-scc Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the scc volume
     pan-sfg Gives the current value of the pan in the mixer for the sfg volume
     port1-enable Triggered when joystick port 1 is enabled
     port1-joystick Triggered when joystick is connected to port 1
     port1-keyboard Triggered when keyboard is connected to port 1
     port1-mouse Triggered when mouse is connected to port 1
     port1-none Triggered when nothing is connected to port 1
     port1-numpad Triggered when numpad is connected to port 1
     port2-enable      Triggered when joystick port 2 is enabled
     port2-joystick Triggered when joystick is connected to port 2
     port2-keyboard Triggered when keyboard is connected to port 2
     port2-mouse Triggered when mouse is connected to port 2
     port2-none Triggered when nothing is connected to port 2
     port2-numpad Triggered when numpad is connected to port 2
     slider-emuspeed Gives the current emulation speed
     slider-rensha Gives the current value of the ren-sha turbo
     status-cartreset Triggered when cartridge reset is enabled
     status-casreadonly Triggered when cassette is read only
     status-deinterlace Triggered when deinterlace mode is enabled
     status-diskreset Triggered when disk reset is enabled
     status-hstretch Triggered when horizontal stretch is enabled
     status-record Triggered when recording is active
     status-rfmodulation Triggered when RF modulation is enabled
     status-scanlines Triggered when scanlines are enabled
     status-vstretch Triggered when vertical stretch is enabled
     text-buildandversion Text with both blueMSX build and version numbers (and credits scroll)
     text-buildnumber Text with blueMSX build number
     text-controlsport1 Text with status of the controls port 1 menu
     text-controlsport2 Text with status of the controls port 2 menu
     text-cpuusage Text with cpu usage
     text-emufrequency Text with emulation frequency
     text-framespersecond Text with frames per second
     text-machinename Text with current machine name
     text-mappedkey Text with current mapped key
     text-ramsize Text with current ram size
     text-rommapper1 Text with active rom mapper for cartridge 1
     text-rommapper1short Short text with active rom mapper for cartridge 1
     text-rommapper2 Text with active rom mapper for cartridge 2
     text-rommapper2short Short text with active rom mapper for cartridge 2
     text-runningname Text with running image (cart/dsk/cas)
     text-scanlinespct Text with scanlines percent
     text-screentype Text with current screen type
     text-screentypeshort Short text with current screen type
     text-selectedkey Text with current selected key
     text-version Text with blueMSX version number
     text-videobrightness Text with current status of brightness aspect
     text-videocontrast Text with current status of contrast aspect
     text-videogamma Text with current status of gamma aspect
     text-videomonname1 Text with name of monitor 1
     text-videomonname2 Text with name of monitor 2
     text-videomonname3 Text with name of monitor 3
     text-videosaturation Text with current status of saturation aspect
     text-vramsize Text with current vram size
     using-fmpac Triggered when fm-pac is active
     using-megaram Triggered when megaram is active
     using-megarom Triggered when megarom is active
     using-moonsound Triggered when moonsound is active
     using-msxaudio Triggered when msx-audio is active
     using-msxmusic Triggered when msx-music is active
     using-rom Triggered when normal rom is active
     using-scc Triggered when scc is active
     video-brightness Brightness aspect indicator
     video-contrast Contrast aspect indicator
     video-enable-mon1 Triggered when monitor 1 is used
     video-enable-mon2 Triggered when monitor 2 is used
     video-enable-mon3 Triggered when monitor 3 is used
     video-gamma Gamma aspect indicator
     video-rfmodulation RF Modulation indicator
     video-saturation Saturation aspect indicator
     video-scanlines Scanlines indicator
     volume-io-left Volume indicator for left channel of input/output audio
     volume-io-right Volume indicator for right channel of input/output audio
     volume-keyboard-left Volume indicator for left channel of keyboard audio
     volume-keyboard-right Volume indicator for right channel of keyboard audio
     volume-master-left Volume indicator for left channel of master audio
     volume-master-right Volume indicator for right channel of master audio
     volume-midi-left Volume indicator for left channel of midi audio
     volume-midi-right Volume indicator for right channel of midi audio
     volume-moonsound-left Volume indicator for left channel of moonsound audio
     volume-moonsound-right Volume indicator for right channel of moonsound audio
     volume-msxaudio-left Volume indicator for left channel of msx-audio audio
     volume-msxaudio-right Volume indicator for right channel of msx-audio audio
     volume-msxmusic-left Volume indicator for left channel of msx-music audio
     volume-msxmusic-right Volume indicator for right channel of msx-music audio
     volume-pcm-left Volume indicator for left channel of pcm audio
     volume-pcm-right Volume indicator for right channel of pcm audio
     volume-psg-left Volume indicator for left channel of psg audio
     volume-psg-right Volume indicator for right channel of psg audio
     volume-scc-left Volume indicator for left channel of scc audio
     volume-scc-right Volume indicator for right channel of scc audio
     volume-sfg-left Volume indicator for left channel of sfg audio
     volume-sfg-right Volume indicator for right channel of sfg audio

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