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Find Cheats
Finding cheats requires some knowledge about the
hardware and software but the interface is made
as simple as possible.
How to find a cheat for a game ?
The blueMSX trainer has many options to help you
in your quest for cheats. The best way to
understand how it works is of course a simple
example. So let's see how we can have infinite
lives for Gradius 1 - Nemesis 1
- run first the emulator with the game
- pause the game by pressing on F9
- start the trainer by using the shortcut RCtrl+RSft+T
- go to the "Find Cheats" panel
- click on "Snapshot" to take a first
snapshot - here's the result :

- as the game begins with 3 lives and the value 2,
select "Equal", enter 2 as "Specific
value" and click on "Search"

- click on "Run" to play a little and
lose a live, then press on F9
- we need now to compare the old value (2) with
the new value that must be smaller than the old
value : select "Less than" and "Old
value", then click on "Search"

- click on "Run" to play a little and
lose another live, then press on F9
- we need now to compare the remaining old values
with the new values that must be smaller than the
old values : select "Less than" and
"Old value", then click on "Search"

- Bingo ! We have found the memory address that
stores the lives for this game
- Double-click on the cheat address

- Enter a description and a cheat value, then
click on "OK" : your new cheat will
appear in the "Active Cheats" panel of
the trainer, but it's not yet selected
How to test a new cheat for a game ?
- Select the new cheat in the "Active Cheats"
panel and click on "Run"
- Check if the cheat works without provoking game
hanging or bad display
- Check if the cheat corresponds to your
In the above example, if you have choosen 99 as
decimal value, you will be surprised to see that
you have only 63 lives. The explanation is simple
: some games store the lives under an hexadecimal
form. The solution is to choose 99 as hexadecimal
value (or 153 as decimal value).
Remarks :
- You will also encounter games where some data
are stored in 16 bit form by using 2 neighbour
- Some cheats use 2 or more addresses at
different locations of the memory.
The different options for your quest
of the good address(es)
- Compare Type : Equal,
Not equal, Less than, Less or equal, Greater than,
Greater or equal
- Display : decimal or hexadecimal
- Data Size : 8bit or 16bit
- Compare new value with : Old Value,
Change (to specify), Specific value (to specify)
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