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Creating hard disk images

If you want to create yourself a new hard disk image, then you must do that in 4 steps :
- add IDE or SCSI controllers to a machine
- create an empty hard disk image
- format this new hard disk image
- transfer files to the hard disk image

To run hard disk images, see this page.

SCSI hard disk images are not compatible with the Sunrise IDE hard disk images.

First step : add IDE or SCSI controllers to a machine

- click on
File / Cartridge Slot 1 (or Slot 2) / Insert Special / IDE
or File / Cartridge Slot 1 (or Slot 2) / Insert Special / SCSI

- select one of the 3 available IDE controllers : Sunrise / Beer / GIDE
or one of the 3 available SCSI controllers : Mega-SCSI / Wave-SCSI / Gouda SCSI

You need also to select the SRAM size for Mega-SCSI or Wave-SCSI.

For more infos about the 3 IDE systems and the 3 SCSI systems, see this page.

Second step : create an empty hard disk image

- go to File / Hard Disk

As you have added an IDE or SCSI controller, the menu can now be used and is a little different for each IDE or SCSI type.

- go to the Primary Controller or the only one available controller

You access to this sub-menu :

- click on Insert New Disk Image
- select the size of your new hard disk image : 6 different sizes are directly available (5 MB, 10 MB, 20 MB, 50 MB, 100 MB, 200 MB), but you can also enter the hard disk size of your choice with 3MB as minimum size
- type a new name in the filename field and click on the button "Open"

Third step : format the new hard disk image

Sunrise IDE
- insert ideutils.dsk in the first floppy drive (now recognized as B:)

(other option : create a MSX-DOS 2 formatted dsk file with the following files : MSXDOS2.SYS - COMMAND2.COM - IDEFDISK.COM - IDEFLOAD.COM and insert it in the first floppy drive)

- start the emulator
- on the commandline, run the command IDEFDISK (or other HD formatting application)
- in IdeFdisk, you can set up partitions as you wish

A quick setup is:

* [A]utogenerate partition table (Press space when done)
* [W]rite partition table to medium (Press space when done)
* [I]nitialize all ENABLED partitions (Press space when done)
* [Q]uit

- on the commandline, copy MSXDOS2.SYS and COMMAND2.COM from the floppy (B:) to the hard disk (A:)
- eject the floppy and restart the emulator

Beer IDE
- create a dsk file with all the BEERFDSK files
- insert this disk in the first floppy drive
- start the emulator
- when you are in MSX-BASIC, type RUN"BEERFDSK.BAS" and press on RETURN

- write and use a specific tool to make the partition

- insert mginst.dsk in the first floppy drive (now recognized as B: - A: is reserved for the SRAM)
- on the commandline, type INST1 or INST2 to install MSX-DOS1 or 2 on the SRAM and initialize the SRAM
- reset the MSX
- to assign drive letter to the hard drive, use the ESET tool (it will also change the drive letter for your floppies)
- reset the MSX
- to format the hard disk image, use SFORM-1 under MSX-DOS 1 or SFORM-2 under MSX-DOS 2
- don't forget to copy MSXDOS 2 on the hard disk !

- insert novaxis.dsk in the first floppy drive (now recognized as B:)
- press on GRAPH when booting the MSX to ignore the hard disk
- go to the hddutils subdirectory and start the NFDISK tool
press on the spacebar to access to the partition menu
- create only one partition if you don't have changed the default settings of the hard disk (*)
- write this partition and quit the NFDISK tool
- after the reset, copy MSXDOS2.SYS and COMMAND2.COM from the floppy (B:) to the hard disk (A:) by using the MSX-BASIC command COPY

(*) the setup menu is accessible by pressing on the DEL key when booting

Fourth step : transfer files to the hard disk image

"Normal" files from disk image
You can use the COPY command of MSX-DOS 2.

"Special" disk images (data in sectors)

External tools are required.

In the case of Snatcher English/Portuguese, they are on the disk 0, you need to follow the procedure described in the text file. If you use a Sunrise IDE hard disk image, the manual procedure is recommended.

For other games, you need to find the best option as some tools work better with some games. You can find more infos by checking this thread on the blueMSX forum :

Files from PC harddisk
It is recommended to use the Japanese DiskExplorer with the MSX plugin. Although conceived for SCSI harddisks images, it works also with IDE harddisks images. You need to select the "vmware plain disk" option when you open the hard disk image.

Japanese DiskExplorer :

MSX plugin :

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