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Running games and applications

Without any game or application, blueMSX comes generally in MSX-BASIC or SV-BASIC. If the selected machine contains an internal firmware, a special application will normally be launched.

Running the ColecoVision console or the SF-7000 computer without any game will lead to an intro screen ; in case of the SG-1000 and SC-3000 machines, you'll come on a black screen.

In order for something different to happen, you need to load a file into the emulator. The way to proceed is explained on different pages of this manual :

- running rom images
- running cas images
- running disk images
- running hard disk images

blueMSX supports floppy disk files, hard disk files, rom cartridge files and cassette files. These files are images of the real disks, cartridges or cassettes, with all their contents, including for example the boot sector of the disks or the headers of the cassettes.

The disk files have one of these extensions : .dsk, .di1, .di2, .360, .720, .sf7. You can also use a Windows directory as disk if this directory contains the files of a MSX game. The hard disk files have generally the extension .dsk.

The rom files have one of these extensions : .rom, .ri, .mx1, .mx2, .col, .sc, .sg.

The cassette files have the extension .cas

blueMSX also supports zip archives that contain files with these extensions.

You can find MSX games or applications that work with the blueMSX emulator on several sites on the internet.

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